All posts tagged: praise and worship songs

Mid-FHL Week 2013

The start of FHL Week 2013

The start of FHL Week 2013

It’s hard to believe that more than half-way through the FHL week! God has been blessing us as we continue to lift up the Name of Jesus.

Here’s a quick update for FHL Week 2013: NDP

  • On Sunday, July 21st, the Prayer Celebration was joined by musicians, prayer leaders, volunteers, partners and pastors and many more. The shofars were blown to start the event followed by a warm welcome by Merlin Gonzales, CEO/Founder of FHL. The FHL worship team led by Donna Cherry provided a wonderful praise and worship songs. Our Prayer leaders for the 7 cultural moders of society led everyone to prayers and intercessions. Iglesia Monte de Sion blessed us with a drama of the story of the 10 virgins. The prayer celebration ended with drum circle.
    Many different ways to worship, pray and praise our Lord

    Many different ways to worship, pray and praise our Lord

    • The praises, worship and prayers continued with the 24/7Indy. All throughout the FHL Week, Creekside Ministries is hosting the 168 hours prayer-worship. We have seen the works of the Kingdom inside the building and out in the community.
  • The following days, we had youths from MI, OH, PA, NC, and other states sent by Group workcamp. The projects range from moving some FHL supplies to storage, home remodel, food drives, toys collections, neighborhood clean ups, random acts of kindness (bottled water, praying for people in the streets and businesses…), painting a school bathrooms and serving families.
    Home remodeling

    Home remodeling

It’s not too late to join with what God is doing in this region in this hour. Don’t forget to join us tomorrow, Friday at 7:30a at Rick’s Cafe Boatyard with Krish Dhanam.

Express God’s love through prayers, praises, worship and helping others in practical ways. More soon updates to come. Stay tuned.

Merlin GonzalesMid-FHL Week 2013
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