All posts tagged: religion

Doing good is part of the pact

Many times Jesus led His disciples in doing good.

Action speaks louder that voice

Action speaks louder than voice

Acts 10:38, “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.”

Our model

The early disciples knew that Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him. He was a promoter of outreaches. He did not stay in synagogue or places of worship but he went around to show everyone God’s love in every realm of their lives – spiritual, physical, financial, emotional, etc.

Jesus set an example for His disciples to follow – love others both in word and in action. He would normally go ahead of the disciples to show them how to help others, how to pray and how to be supernaturally natural – the basics of expanding the Kingdom.

Jesus did not stay behind a desk or in the temple and just gave instructions to His disciples to do the job. He did not just organize things, wrote the vision and the plan, nor just did the research and came up with a timeline for his disciples to implement while He evaluate their progress. Instead, Jesus presented the Gospel in its fullness.

His generation

In order to get the message into the minds of people, Jesus told the story of a man who was going on a road less travelled from Jerusalem to Jericho – because it is a dangerous place where robbers and thugs hang out. He concluded that this man was attacked by robbers, took everything he had including his clothes and left him half dead. Then, a priest happen to pass by the same road, saw the man but passed by on the other side. Later, a Levite passed by and did the same thing.  Soon, a Samaritan passed by and helped the man immediately and made sure the man was taken care of afterwards. (Luke 10:25-37)

Our generation

Consequently, it’s not hard to locate places like that road from Jerusalem to Jericho in our cities. Last year, the former Indianapolis Mayor identified 6 most dangerous Indy-area neighborhoods. Recently, IMPD created an equation called Social Disorder Index to identify which areas have the most crime and which crimes are occurring in those areas. Similarly, the priests (preachers) and the Levites (those who assist the religious people) of our time would normally drive by these neighborhoods on a regular basis. But how many times have we seen clergies giving a cup of cold water to one of these little ones (Matthew 10:42) or praying for healing at street corners?

My experience working with leaders and pastors, reveal that the majority are very active in delivering persuasive speeches to influence the thought and conduct of an audience. They use many venues such as places of worship or different forms of media and the Internet. They come up with different trainings, conferences, religious jargons and fancy phrases. They are so compelling and yet, we can hardly see most of them in the hood. They are very good in casting visions and in creating plans for others to do. Although it is partially true, our generation has accepted the norm that leaders should lead, assess the situations and train others who in turn would implement his or her plan. The leaders were supposed to rally the people and get them excited but many of them stay behind a desk or a podium. They were to train and to equip their people but your can hardly see them model what they teach out in the mission field.

His ministry

Based on the examples of Jesus and on the action of the early disciples, the Gospel spread quickly, people received healing (both physically and spiritually) and the disciples were trained more effectively. By being hands-on and by putting what they learned in action immediately, the disciples were able to come up with what the society needs and better solutions to cope with the rapid growth of the movement.

Normally, while Jesus was busy doing good, the Pharisees and Sadducees were busy criticizing Him. One occasion Jesus told them “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3) Stop criticizing and analyzing; just to do it. Jesus may say, “You will learn more as you do the ministry and revelation will come as you experience My teachings.”

“But I have sermons to prepare, I have budget to balance and I have training materials I have to finish”, some leaders may say. But Jesus is saying to “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

Jesus did the unusual not because He wants to be different but because He was influencing the people to accept the dimension of the Kingdom – in words and in action. His prayer was “Thy Kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven” – doing and being. Doing is part of the pact!


Our “personal” ministry

It behooves me to encourage you to experience the blessings in serving in the field. This not to say that you are not but to continue to lift you up as you do ministry. Not only you would experience the favor that God has given you but also to witness the manifestation of your prayers. As you see miracles happen before your eyes, you would have more testimonial of the presence of the living God inside of you (not to dazzle people with you experience, but to exhort them in their faith). It would help you to evaluate your spiritual walk as you engage in “ministry” and help validate your personal ministry. You will see the true picture of your calling and you will be amazed how God collaborates with you as you do the stuff.


God bless you,



Merlin GonzalesDoing good is part of the pact
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Session 7: Experience it!


Jesus HouseFoodThe worship for our last session was led by the Jesus House. After the worship, we had dinner together catered by Olive Garden restaurant.

There are many ways to “Experience”  God’s Dominion here on earth. One of them is through serving, so some of the class participants shared their planned outreaches during FHL Week on July 24 – 30:

  • Prayer Table out in a public place
  • Discovering the beauty in nature through the eyes of the children
  • Adopt a Block to connect with the residents
  • Street Outreaches

There are many more outreaches that were shared and more are still in the planning stage. We talked about the importance of SWOT to evaluate our projects and services. Evaluation of the projects could be as important as the project itself. We need to find out the project’s Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat.

GraduationWe had the actual graduation after a brief class discussion. I am so proud of all of you! The completion of the class is just a step in your deeper spiritual walk with God. As we learn more about His character, we will experience more of the Kingdom here on earth.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your spiritual journey. I am looking forward to join you on your outreaches soon!

Listen to Session 7

Part 1

Part 2

God bless you!


Merlin GonzalesSession 7: Experience it!
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Session 6: Take it to the Streets

Take it to the streets

In the Book of Acts, the early disciples listened to the Gospel not only with withe ears but with their hearts also. As soon as they heard the message, they “took it to the streets” immediately.

Sharing of God's faithfulnessThousands of dollars providedAt our 6th session, Tony and Erin Barnes led the worship. Then John Whitaker and Marvin Reynolds shared powerful testimonies on stepping out in faith.

On July 24-30, there will be several outreaches that will be happening in the neighborhoods through the participants of the class. Several outreaches are already in the planning stages. God has been guiding our class and has been equipping us for the works of service (Eph. 4:12)

This Thursday is the Commencement night or the beginning of the new stage of our walk with Christ. Please feel free to invite your families and friends to share this momentous moment.

Assignment for Session 6

Experience it!

If you haven’t yet, finish reading “The Kingdom In Our Midst”

Contemplation: Meditate on Matthew 10:7-8 and what you have been commissioned to do as follower of Christ.

Experiential: Now GO – live out your faith and bring the Kingdom of God into the world daily!

Merlin GonzalesSession 6: Take it to the Streets
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Session 3: Kingdom Worldview

Kingdom Worldview

Kingdom Worldview

At the start of Session 3, Don and Donna Cherry and Jeff Teel blessed the group with their awesome worship! This week, my friend Pastor Brian will bring one of his worship groups to lead the worship. It is going to be another awesome night!

Don & Donna Cherry and Jeff

Don & Donna and Jeff

Session 3 table discussions

Session 3 table discussions

Heaven invades earth when we partner with the Holy Spirit. Jesus launched His ministry after He was baptized by the Holy Spirit and Jesus was endowed by the Holy spirit to fulfill His Messianic mission. Jesus was bestowing on His disciples the same Spirit that had descended on Him at His baptism, including us, now. We learned in Session 3 that we literally become God’s hands and feet when we see His way of doing things (Kingdom worldview) and then act accordingly.

Worship and prayers

Worship and prayers

Is. 35:5-6 “And when he comes, he will open the eyes of the blind…

Assignment for Session 4

Signs of the Kingdom are here with us

Signs of the Kingdom are here with us

Read pages 63-98 of “The Kingdom In Our Midst” and answer questions 1 thru 9 on pages 99-102

Contemplation: Are you living short of the wonder of God’s power within you?

Experiential: Do something out of your extraordinary routine to put your faith in action.

Listen to Session 3 Parts 1 and 2

Part 1:

Part 1

Part 2:

Part 2

God bless you!

Merlin GonzalesSession 3: Kingdom Worldview
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The captives are the answer.

The prophecies of Isaiah and Jesus Christ: The captives are the answer.  We read Isaiah 61:1-7.  Then look again at the end of verse 3:
They will be called oaks of righteousness, They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities… foreigners will work your fields and vineyards. And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast. Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.”
So who is Isaiah and Jesus (see Luke 4:17-19) talking about in these verses? We just have to look back on the previous verses…
Who were the poor, who were the brokenhearted, the captives, the prisoners, those who mourn, and those who grieve?  You and me!  Look at the transition on Isaiah 61 verse 3.  Before we knew Christ, we were poor, we were broken-hearted, we were captives, we were prisoners, and we were the mourners. God wants to restore us. And when we receive Jesus Christ into our hearts, we become the key to the restoration of the world.
“We will be called oaks of righteousness, We will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated;
they will renew the ruined cities… foreigners will work our fields and vineyards. And we will be called priests of the Lord, we will be named ministers of our God. we will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches we will boast. Instead of our shame we will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace we will rejoice in your inheritance. And so we will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be ours.”
The prophecy in Isaiah 61 and in Luke 4 is for usnow! Do not believe to the lies of the enemy that you cannot make a difference in someone’s life. Do not lose your confidence that you have nothing to offer to humanity. You are a threat to the kingdom of darkness and the enemy! If we are followers of Jesus Christ, we will be contributors to the restoration of our neighborhoods; we will be a part of the resurrection of the society, we will be a part of reformation of our government and we are a part of bringing heaven here on earth! We are called to bring transformation to our cities! This is because we received healing from Jesus Christ.
Is Jesus your Lord? In other words, are you a follower of Christ? Does your lifestyle reflect the values of the Kingdom of God? Does Jesus have authority over you? Does He influence your actions and emotions? Is He your King, and your Lord – not just your Savior?
Now, do you view your salvation merely as a means to being rescued from sin? In other words, do you just wait until Jesus comes back so you can go to heaven when you die? No! We are like the Jews who were in exile to Babylon. We are in exile to earth. We are aliens here on earth. God has bigger plan for us while we are here on earth. Jesus has assignments for us while we are here on earth – to heal the sick, to bring comfort to those who mourn and to free the captives. Our final destination is heaven. So do not lose sight while we are in exile here on earth.
Our salvation is not meant only for us to be saved but for us to be a part of the fulfillment of the promises of God. As Christians and followers of Jesus Christ, we have the most important privilege to work with the Holy Spirit to change the world. We are called to be history makers.
The next time you see the poor, the brokenhearted, the captives, the prisoners, those who mourn, and those who grieve, you are looking at your potential team members of restoration. Do not forget them. They, (the broken people), are the keys to restoration of our world as you and I! The broken are part of our team in the future! That’s why Jesus said in the Sermon at the mount in Matthew 5:3-6,
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”
image source: Captives of the Assyrians. From the palace of Sennacherib, approx. 680 b.c.e. (ref. 2kings 18:13-14)
Selena Design BlessingsThe captives are the answer.
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