All posts tagged: Salvation

Progression of Spiritual Demographics

At least 3 people received Jesus as their Savior at the last FHL Mobile Food Pantry at Boys & Girls Club, Indianapolis. Just between the pantry & the Street Evangelism, we are averaging 2 salvations a week. At the same time, we are adding more disciples on a monthly basis through other FHL ministries.

I have sensed the collision of Light and darkness in the spiritual realm at the last Pantry. I asked the Lord what’s happening? A thought came to me…we are not the Savior, He is. We leave the judgment to God. Our job is to create an environment where love is overflowing to the extent that people get attracted to us. God is saying,”The harvest is plentiful and I am sending them to you.” The anointing is getting stronger and so is the opposition.

If we show the tangible unconditional love of Christ to the world, they can’t help but come to us. It is the manifest Presence of God that brings people to us. Romans 2:4b: “God’s kindness leads you toward repentance

There will be more and more non-Christians coming to serve with us, through Kindness Days, Pantry, Farm, other Outreaches, etc. We need to be ready as the harvest is right in front of us. We also need to be alert that the enemy is opportunistic.

God has been showing us new ways to reach out and to bring the message. He had opened doors for us to minister to churches and to the world. There are many new things that He is doing in our ministry. It’s mind-boggling for me to see non-Christians literally get attracted to us in serving those in need. The stories in Jesus’ time is manifesting in our midst!

Living a lifestyle of unconditional love allows us to live in freedom and bring the Kingdom of God into the hearts of others! What a privilege to experience Heaven expanding in our communities.

Here is a Testimonials from one of the volunteers:

“Bertha and I got up in front this past Sunday and told the Church about the (FHL) food pantry and how awesome it was to be a part of it than I told them about the Citywide prayer and about FHL they are all excited and one of the ladies from our church spoke up and said that what she has a heart for and that she is manager of some apartments in Greenwood that houses 250 refugees and she wants to get something going there.” – Debra F.

God bless,

Merlin Gonzales, FHL International Inc.
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Merlin GonzalesProgression of Spiritual Demographics
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