All posts tagged: spirituality

April 24, 2013: Kingdom In Our Midst Series #4 on ArtSees Diner Radio

artseesdiner bannerKingdom In Our Midst Series – Featuring Merlin Gonzales is a special presentation brought to you by ArtSees Diner Radio, and ArtSees Production. The week series with author, community activist and church leader Merlin Gonzales. Merlin founded Faith Hope and Love Intl., which collaborates with churches crossing denominational lines. He has developed the concept of “Mission Trips in Your Own Backyard” to unify the Body of Christ by bringing the love of God into the community. Merlin’s messages and teachings are about raising up a generation passionate for God to build a legacy of transformation.

7pm eastern time!

Where: ArtSees Diner Radio

When: Wednesday, April 24, 2013

6:00pm until 8:30pm CDT, 7pm EDT

Selena Design BlessingsApril 24, 2013: Kingdom In Our Midst Series #4 on ArtSees Diner Radio
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Feedback from the class

I just wanted to send you a note of thanks for inviting me to your class study on your book “The Kingdom In Our Midst”

I really enjoyed  the in depth study of each section. Your teaching style is very informative and challenging without being “preachy”. Your book offers outstanding insights into the power of the Holy Spirit that works in the hearts of all Christians.

The Kingdom In Our Midst is a book that challenges every Christian to look deeply into their heart and work to live by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Thanks again and God bless.

Mark, a class participant




Merlin GonzalesFeedback from the class
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The Lord’s Favor

This is the 5th issue under Kingdom Reality taken from the book.

When you are operating in the Kingdom, you gain favor with God & men…”And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” ~ Luke 2:52

Listen to this Podcast and be ready to be blown away: The Uncommon Favor of God


Merlin GonzalesThe Lord’s Favor
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Do you long for the Kingdom to manifest in your life?

Living in God's dominion here on earth

Living in God’s dominion here on earth

In the eyes of a child, that is a silly question – for a Christian. Our natural answer would be, “If we have Christ in us, the Kingdom will manifest through us.” John 20:21, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.“? So, does your life reflect the character of Jesus?

I ask these questions of myself. My answer is “far from it.” I do not live a perfect life like Jesus. Jesus did not sin; I sin everyday. I strive to be like Jesus but my human frailty shows my weakness. However, in 2 Cor. 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Is it safe to say then that when Christ’s power rest on you, the Kingdom will manifest in your life?
I’d say yes. It’s out of our personal relationship with God that makes the difference – “For the Kingdom of God is within us”. As I mentioned before, “the reality of the Kingdom begins within us.” The more intimate we are with Jesus, the more we will experience the manifestation of the Kingdom in our lives.
So, do you long for the Kingdom to manifest in your life? Then, how’s your relationship with the Lord? Are your actions motivated by performance or are they fruits of your relationship with God?
All these seem self-contradictory, they seem absurd but in reality, they express possible truth… paradox in the Kingdom.
I know this message is a little different from the ones I sent you before but an interesting notion to dwell once in a while.
Any comment, suggestion, question, encouragement…
Merlin GonzalesDo you long for the Kingdom to manifest in your life?
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