The Next 10/40 Window


The next 10/40 Window is just around the corner…look around

A few days ago, my wife and I had a lunch with a long-time friend. He is fired up for the Lord, which brought him to the Army and was deployed in Afghanistan in the past. During our conversation, he mentioned about the mortality of the soldiers in the battlefield, which keeps them prepared at all times. He also mentioned that the first three months and the last three months of deployment have the most casualties in the troops. They learn that complacency kills; apathy is not tolerated in the war zone.

We have heard a saying that when you become a Christian, you are automatically drafted in the army of God. In a sense, we are in a war zone all the time. Jesus said in John 17:18, “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” Jesus was actively engaged in the Kingdom expansion. He knows the urgency of preaching, teaching, discipleship and to bring the tangible love of God. He models how a Christian should live their lives. He was in tune spiritually with God and He also knows how to reach out to the world. He operated in the spiritual and in the physical realm simultaneously.

My passion for the Kingdom of God to be tangible in our own lives propelled me to write the book, The Kingdom in Our Midst. Here’s an excerpt from the book: “The next 10/40 window is not hard to reach—it’s the absence of passion in the Christian world that prevents the Gospel from reaching our own backyards. This 10/40 window could empower governments to formally or informally prohibit Christian teachings. The next 10/40 will be marked by the apathy of Christians. Physically, it is right here in our own backyard. Our cities are waiting for the concerted action of Christians to take the land.”

I wrote a few pages on the topic – “The 10/40 Window in our own backyard”, how we got there, where we are heading if our conformity and apathy continue and what can we do now to reverse the trend. We will start a discussion on this topic soon at my website. You can order my book by calling 317-578-3370, email [email protected] or online Free S/H if you order before Dec. 15.

God bless you,

PS/ Remind others that complacency can have a sudden and long-term effect for individuals and for a city. Don’t get caught with your guard down. 1 Peter 5:8, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

Merlin GonzalesThe Next 10/40 Window

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  • Rebecca Lively - November 30, 2012

    I agree with your article. I just finished taking a Perspectives class (all about missions/the great commission and making God’s name known among the nations (ethnos) ). The spiritual “drift”
    here in America (myself included) is scary. This class has really made me less selfish and more of
    a word christian.

    merlinfhl - November 30, 2012

    Thanks for the Comment. We will start a discussion regarding the topic. Would you be interested in joining?

    Rebecca Lively - November 30, 2012

    I would be happy to join, thanks

    merlinfhl - January 10, 2013

    Hi Rebecca, We are starting a study on Living in God’s Dominion here on Earth on 1/21 6:30p-8p EST based on my book, The Kingdom in our Midst. This will also cover the next 10/40 window. You can join us via Skype.

    Merlin Gonzales - October 10, 2015

    Hi Rebecca, Hope you are doing well. It’s been a while since we connect and I thought of letting you know that I will be starting a class based on my book, The Kingdom In Our Midst, in the next few weeks. Would you be interested in joining us?

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