The Unexpected happened again

FHL Office

FHL Office

I was very excited this morning since our organization, FHL, will be opening the 13th food pantry today (in less than 3 years). As my wife and I parked our vehicle in front of our office, I noticed that my plants including my large banana tress were knocked down to the ground! I thought there must be some high winds last night. As I was getting closer to the office, I found out that someone broke into our office!

As I hurriedly enter the front office, everything seemed ok but later I found out that our laptop was stolen. Later, I noticed that the intruder took our DVD player and our cash box. The pattern of how things had transpired was very similar to the first time we were broken into about 3 to 4 years ago. The person who did it knew exactly what to take, a big plasma TV.

Here’s an opportunity for you: Join us as we pray for this person for his/her deliverance from the grips of satan. We forgive this person and we are willing to assist in finding help for him/her. I’m asking you to share this message to others and let’s expect miracles to happen.

While on the cross, Jesus prayed for those who crucified Him, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” – Luke 23:34 I pray that the Holy Spirit will invade the thief’s heart with His power and love, In Jesus Name.

Let’s expect the unexpected to happen again…from heaven’s perspective.

Merlin GonzalesThe Unexpected happened again

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