What If?

I’d like to share with you this article taken from my book:

I have been curiously interviewing people about their idea of the Kingdom of God for many years. This notion of asking people their perspective began in the early 2000s. I began asking my home group members this question: “If you were given a chance of a lifetime, what would you do for your neighborhood?” More recently a friend told me that a pastor once asked, “What would your neighborhood look like if you could say, ‘The Kingdom of God is here’?”

That question piqued my interest. I thought, that’s what I’ve wanted to ask all these years. So I started asking people the question. I went all out. I started a contest online, spoke about it on TV and on radio, and interviewed people from all walks of life. This question brought me to city halls, churches, businesses, schools and people on the streets. I even had an opportunity to interview medical professionals in hospital rooms and patients in ICU. That same year, the Super Bowl was in Indianapolis and I had the opportunity to ask people from different parts of the United States. I have summarized some of the answers below.

What would your neighborhood look like if you could say, “The Kingdom of God is here”?

Men’s Bible group:

“A bunch of people worshipping and astonished before the Lord.”

“Neighbors acknowledging each other.”

“ Getting to know each other and being able to serve by knowing what other people are going through.”

“Desiring righteousness, peace and joy.”


Indianapolis Mayor’s Neighborhood Services:

“There would be a greater sense of peace and safety to take away the constant looking over your shoulder and constant concern for your family. Developing relationships with different parts of your community beyond just having religion and spirituality.”

“You can better develop the sense of safety, which in turn fosters the moving of the Spirit. If we don’t have relationship with God, it’s hard to have relationship with others. But the opposite is true; if we don’t have relationship with our neighbor, it’s hard to have relationship with God. Oftentimes, the way that folks meet God is through their neighbors and through what they see in their neighbors’ daily lives. You cannot meet God if you don’t have relationship with somebody, even if it’s the small business owner that sells gasoline at the corner; you could go through life and never see God. There would be very few needs, less crime and more love.”


College students from Indianapolis universities:

“I envision our school as a place where everyone feels inspired to have a better education.”

“Everyone could come to school feeling welcome and happy to be there.”

“Having children feel the need to go to college and feel inspired and a sense of hope.”

“You could walk outside at 3 a.m. not worrying that you may get shot or robbed.”

“Everybody should be able to pursue their dream and attain them.”

“God breathed life into the world so God is already present in the world. There would be more love and kindness, more philanthropy events, getting all our school work done and building a good future. Being able to meet the needs of classmates and the community as a whole.”


A faith-based non-profit organization director:

“God’s presence is active and alive in our neighborhoods and workplace. I feel we do have world peace. The world is not in turmoil. But where we can have peace is within ourselves and with our neighbors directly so each little corner of our world can have peace and that peace is God’s love. We would have world peace because God’s love is present. It would be a place of peace, joy, love and excitement. This community would be a refuge for the neglected and disadvantaged children, a place set apart to grow up healthy, loved, appreciated and a place where they come to know Jesus to change the future generation for Christ. Building a network of the Body of Christ to help build the campus for children.”


A pastor’s perspective:

“We would be a people of unity; there would be no difference based on race and any type of settings that would make one separate. People being treated equally; needs would go away because they will be taken care of by others or a neighbor next to you. There will be an end to what’s wrong. More joy and peace, happiness. There would an end to destruction.”


An executive of an international company:

“God is with us all the time. It’s up to us to choose the right or wrong thing that will affect us. We need to help ourselves and others to make the right choices and it would be a growth spiral that makes community grow. The ability to see some of the athletes grow up from poverty or abuse and to help them to make good choices instead of resorting to violence in the streets. To encourage kids and give them the opportunity to see that there is a better life out there [South America] through our company-schools and having real life role models to change their lives.”


From the 2012 Super Bowl Village:

“God is all around in many ways.”

“There would be a lot less crime, no prejudice and less drama.”

“God is already in my city; it’s about your perspective. My church is multi-cultural and there is no discrimination.”

“My city would look like heaven, loving each other and submitting to each other and to God.”


In an ICU room in hospital:

The patient said, “There will be no judgment.”

The medical professionals I interviewed said, “Laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover. I am sent with a Kingdom assignment here in my workplace. I don’t just take care of patients; I know I am sent with a mission and a purpose. So I pray for patients and I see the Kingdom of God invading the hospitals with healings.”

“The Kingdom of God would manifest through the actions of God’s people. Miracles still happen in hospitals; along with miracles, God has gifted His people with knowledge and the ability to treat sickness and disease so it goes hand in hand. It is equally miraculous that God has gifted His people to do amazing things medically as well. I believe that’s God reaching out in miraculous ways.”


In a restaurant, a waitress’s perspective:

“People would be more real and less fake. Believing in religion and not just putting on a show for everybody. This should be a happier place and real good food!”


From mayors in Central Indiana:

“I think the presence of God is already here in my city. However, if every one of us is more aware of the presence of God and would act more Christ-like, we would have a much better neighborhood. We would treat each other better, we would not prejudge people. Treat others like you want to be treated.”

“If all of us are conscious of God’s presence it definitely would be a better community. People will be more courteous with each other and be able to enjoy God’s nature. Better neighborhood, serving people.”


Merlin GonzalesWhat If?

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